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Prepare to applying jobs or intern

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.


Portfolio is an important thing for designer. It helps communicate how designer work and the output of the work. Recruiter is always referred to the portfolio of designer if a team want to work with the designer or not. For me personally, portfolio is a place in the corner of the internet that you can do anything you want. Experimenting things or just showcase your work. It’s totally awesome to see someone sharing their experience and process of creating things.

Portfolio is an important thing for designer. It helps communicate how designer work and the output of the work. Recruiter is always referred to the portfolio of designer if a team want to work with the designer or not. For me personally, portfolio is a place in the corner of the internet that you can do anything you want. Experimenting things or just showcase your work. It’s totally awesome to see someone sharing their experience and process of creating things.

1. Set your niat before anything else

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

2. What role you want to apply

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

3. Build your personal branding

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

4. The power of networking

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

5. Making your CV or Resume

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

6. Prepare your own portfolio

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

7. Know the process

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

8. Know the company

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.

9. Know the requirement

I give a talk about what to prepare to applying jobs or intern with fellow high school community.


Portfolio is an important thing for designer. It helps communicate how designer work and the output of the work. Recruiter is always referred to the portfolio of designer if a team want to work with the designer or not. For me personally, portfolio is a place in the corner of the internet that you can do anything you want. Experimenting things or just showcase your work. It’s totally awesome to see someone sharing their experience and process of creating things.

Follow me for more thoughts and updates on Twitter, Dribbble, Behance, and Linkedin.

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